We checked in with Denise from @kinkysudz.
How did you become interested in craft beer?
I got into craft beer back in 2011 due to tasting the delicious Guinness on a date with an ex. Back them I was only into tequila, cognac, and burbon. I was so shocked that a beer could be dark and be accompanied by chocolatey notes that it prompted me to go and seek out more styles of beer. Every since I’ve been exploring the boundaries of my palate.

How did @kinkysudz get started?
KinkySudz started as means for me to challenge my inner critic and to connect with other Black drinkers. There were so many other accounts that were filled with robust beer reviews and their journey to start a brewery or larger than life brand. There were very few that looked at beer through a scientific and cosplay way. I wanted to highlight new beers I tried through my own interpretation of the can/bottle art and flavors. I wanted to create a page that educated people on the influences of Black and pop culture on beer in a fun and goofy way. I want to show that Black women love beer, anime, action movies, video games – things typically associated with men. It has been a great ride thus far and I have more creative ideas in the works!
What do you drink when you aren’t drinking craft beer?
When I’m not drinking beer, I’m drinking water, a ton of Mountain Dew/Coke, and homemade fruit smoothies boosted with elderberry, turmeric, and probiotics.

What’s an underrated and overrated beer style?
Underrated: pilsner – most take this style for granted as an easy to chug beer. Pilsners have such a great history and with the styles like the Italian pilsner you get such a clean taste with heavy and complex aromas.
Overrated: Double IPA – when drinking I don’t want to make the pucker face. Nowadays it seems that DIPAs are all about how effin bitter can we make this and I always ask why? It’s not necessary.
What beers have you enjoyed recently?
As of late, I have really gotten into fruited sours – two years ago I hated sours with a passion but due to a friend, shoutout to @blackbeertravelers, I was introduced to the potential of sours and haven’t looked back since.
What are a few of your favorite Instagram accounts?
- Dope creatives: @beerquest.tv, @uncapeverything, @glimmerofhop, @bdacht, @liquidxhappiness
- Educational: @beerpairedlife, @thecollectress, @chris.thebeereducator, @pintsandpanels
- Comedy: @theecraftbeerconnoisseur, @theblackguywhotips
- Food: @shelovescraft, @cheftudavidphu
- Podcasts: @walkwithtfb @brewsingbanterpodcast, @beerzandbarz, @thebrotheratthebar, @afro.beer.chick

Which local brewery should everyone know about?
Gunwhale, Three Weavers, AleSmith Brewing, and Indie Brewing
What’s next for @kinkysudz?
Well I’m in the works of dropping new content (more green screen stuff), going to do more interviews on my Sudz Under The Sun IG series, appearing a regular co-host for @blacknerdfridays (all about anime and comics), and working out the details for an upcoming beer collaboration – details coming soon!
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