
American Pale Ale with sortofcandid

Tiffany (sortofcandid) is drinking American Pale Ale

fromthegroundBrewery: From The Ground Brewery

Style: American style pale ale

Packaging: 22oz bottles

Release: Year round

Distribution Area: New York

Important Info: From The Ground Brewery uses locally sourced ingredients, many of which they grow themselves on their farm, the Migliorelli Farm. The brewery is located on the farm’s 100 acre orchard, which grows apples, pears, peaches, plums and cherries. They are friends with many local farmers, some of whom grow their hops, or take their spent grain to feed livestock.

ABV: 5%

About the author

Keith Adams is the founder of BeerSelfie.com and can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @grubulub.