We’ve started a mailing list! Click the “BEER MAIL” link above to sign up. To kick things off we’re giving away a t-shirt or tank! Sign up for the mailing list before Friday (6/7) for a chance to win.
Emails to the mailing list will be rare and hopefully you’ll find them interesting. To give you an idea of what you’re in for we’ve included the content from our first email that we sent out last week below:
Welcome to Beer Mail!
This is the inaugural BeerSelfie mailing list email to update you on what we’re up to. Don’t worry, these will be rare, but there’s an unsubscribe link below if you aren’t interested in receiving another.
Q&A: What’s Your Favorite City to Visit for Craft Beer?
We asked a few people you’ll recognize from Instagram what city they like to visit for craft beer.
Spoiler: Tampa, Florida was the most common answer!
Check out all the responses and see what other cities made the list.

BeerSelfie Shirts!
We’ve teamed up with Pop Fever to create some fun BeerSelfie and Craft Beer shirts! There are currently eight designs available in multiple styles of tshirts, tanks, and sweatshirts.
We love seeing these shirts pop up on Instagram! We’re not saying wearing a BeerSelfie shirt guarantees a @beerselfie repost, but we’re not not saying that.

Beer Reviews
We recently ran a poll to find out what you’d like to see on BeerSelfie.com and beer reviews received the most votes. We’re happy to oblige and up first is a review of Firestone Walker’s Rosalie from @brewsandbio.

Featured @beerselfie
The @beerselfie post with the most engagement in the last thirty days belongs to @beernerdtravel!

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