
Calendar Model: @passthehops

Featuring 2021 Beer Selfie Bottleshare Fundraiser Calendar model: @passthehops

How did your interest in craft beer begin?

My interest in craft beer transitioned from drinking beer with my friends growing up, to having fun with new faces in craft and enjoying great craft simultaneously.

What are your favorite and least favorite beer styles?

Some of the best styles I drink would be a well balanced stout, pastry or barrel forward all the way to hoppy, juicy IPA… I just don’t like bad beer..

Tell us about one of your favorite craft beer Instagram accounts.

As far as accounts go, I like some of the genuine beer-drinking folks that I have met through Instagram and in person, those are the profiles that go a long way for me.

Tell us about your favorite drinking buddy.

My favorite beer buddy honestly doesn’t even live in my same state, with that said, everyone I’ve shared a beer with is my favorite!

About the author

Keith Adams is the founder of BeerSelfie.com and can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @grubulub.