To celebrate Valentine’s Day we’re checking in with some Craft Beer Instagram couples.
@blackandbrewjee & @brewthembeers

How did you meet?
Ejiro: We met through an online dating app called OKCupid in Nov. 2014, then we met in person at Panera Bread.
Kerry: We met on a Dating app called OKcupid. I always ask to go get a cup of coffee on a first date so I asked her if she wanted to go to Panera. We hit it off and I asked for a second. We actually found out about our love for craft beer later.
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Ejiro: The Rookery in Pomona, Ca had a really cool event about 6 years ago and it was my first time really getting clued into the craft beer world. Belching Beaver, Modern Times, and Leinenkugel were some of my fave breweries back then.
Kerry: My Favorite Beerfest event I love going to Is called Brews and Bros Fest hosted by Lastname Brewery topped with the fact my wife goes with me makes this the best event ever. I have so much fun with her trying all the new and rare beers.
How do your beer tastes compare?
Ejiro: I really like heavier beers, porters, and stouts. I am not a fan of Helles really. Husband Kerry will drink practically anything but LOVES IPAs.
Kerry: We have polar opposite taste in beer. My taste palate leans more towards hoppy and bitter so I love a good Dipa, Ipa, or a Hazy. My wife loves her sweets so she likes a good chocolate flavor stout and porters. Once and awhile she’ll like the taste of an ipa and I’ll settle for a stout or porter once and awhile.

How did you meet?
Justin had just moved to Richmond, VA, my hometown and current city. It was Pride Weekend and he and his best friend happened to be standing in the longest line ever for the local gay club, right in front of me and my best friends. We were both complaining about the long wait and ended up chatting a bit before finally making it inside. Later that night, our groups ended up next to each other again on the patio, and several drinks in, I was feeling a bit less shy than I normally am. It’s a small city, so you can typically tell when someone isn’t from the area. I knew I hadn’t seen him around before and after finding out that he had just moved in, I grabbed his phone, put my number in it, and told him I’d show him around! We ended up dancing, sharing a kiss..or two…and 5 years later, we’re still going strong! We discovered a love for beer and visiting breweries together as Richmond is FULL of amazing spots. We’re now up to our 258th brewery visited and we are always looking for our next beercation!
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
A few years back we took a Trip to Ireland for a family member’s birthday. We ended up surprising them at the Guiness Factory, where we not only got to go on a private tour, but also had an entire tasting experience along with a bartender who taught us how to pour the perfect pint! Guinness has always been one of our favorite brews, but we also got to check out smaller craft breweries across Ireland. They ended up being our first breweries we visited together outside of the country, and an experience we’ll never forget! Now, living in the Washington, DC area, we get to still relive our Guinness fantasy at the US Brewery just outside of Baltimore, less than an hours drive away!
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
Justin’s absolute favorite is a good Hefeweizen… to the point where that’s pretty much all he drinks in the warmer months, but I’m always trying to push different styles on him. We both love wheat beers, but if I had to choose my absolute favorite style, it would have to be a Brown Ale or a Stout. Dessert Stouts have definitely been a guilty pleasure of mine this Winter. At the end of the day, we love all types of beers, but neither of us are big IPA or Sour drinkers.
@getitinyacee & @itiffanyalexis

How did you meet?
Cee: We met when we worked at the Apple Store in Toronto, in February 2011. I remember seeing Tiffany across the store on my second day of training, and it’s been a wrap ever since. Our 10 year anniversary hits in late April. Time flies, for real.
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Cee: Since Tiffany is the podcast’s producer, we do a lot of tourism collaborations and we always travel together. Some of our faves were the Foudres Unis festival in 2018 here in Quebec (the photo of us is from that event); our Colorado trip in 2018 when we hit GABF for the first time; our trip to Virginia in 2019 where we discovered The Veil, Triple Crossing, The Answer and Crooked Run; but our favourite place in the world is Vermont – pre-pandemic, we’d be there every quarter, it’s incredible.
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
Cee: Both of us are big on the haze and crispyboiz. Tiffany is more into the boozier styles and loves imperial stouts, while I’m into smoothie sours and anything with lactose.
@n_huntress & @that_unstoppable_chick

How did you meet?
Tinder! We both didn’t have great experiences with the app at first and almost gave up, but then we came across each other’s profiles. Emily reached out first and the rest is history!
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Eavesdrop Brewery where we had our first date! They had a great outdoor space and amazing selection of beer that we both enjoyed.
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
Our taste in beer is exactly the same. We both bonded immediately over our love for IPAs on the first date! We also enjoy Belgians and Stouts. Our least favorite beer styles are Pilsners and any bourbon barrel aged beer.

How did you meet?
We first noticed each other on Instagram but we were living far from one another. When we first met it was in a shady motel and it could have been super awkward but it turns out we laughed about it, had a lot of fun, and instantly knew we were meant to be each other’s partner.
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Summer before covid struck, we had the chance to go to a whole lot of festivals but our favorite was “Festibère de Lévis” because we could bring our amazing corgi and enjoy the sunny day while drinking awesome beers.
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
We really try to taste as many beers as we can and we tend to like almost the same styles, such as barrel-aged beers, IPAs, saisons, etc. Maryno is less likely to drink coffee stouts or imperial stouts but she still tries them!
@hoop_n_hops & @mandyskoalas

How did you meet?
We met back in 2011 at a birthday party on the Kemah Boardwalk at a restaurant by the name of T-Bone Tom’s. Somehow we got to talking about comics and superheroes while drinking horrible non-craft beer lol. She showed me a pic of her dressed up as Thor for Halloween. Needless to say the goddess of thunderstruck me with lightning and I quickly proposed in a month of meeting her!
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Probably Islla Street Brewing in San Antonio. Small little spot. About nine taps. All their brews were outstanding. We ended up hanging out with both owners and their families while we were there. Second I’d say Stone Brewing. That place was freaking beautiful. From the brewery itself, to the restaurant, and the court yard!
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
Really we like it all. The wifey loves barleywines and barrel aged brews as well do I. But I typically lean more towards the IPA’s and Sour’s. We both drink it all though lol, and are always down to indulge in some delicious craft beer no matter the style!

How did you meet?
We met while being songwriters in Mississippi. I had written a song and had Amy do the vocals. She’s an amazing singer/songwriter.
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Best beer trip/adventure was to Charleston South Carolina, tasting delicious Allagash Brewing Beer on the rooftop bar/pool of the Pavillion Hotel.
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
We both love Blonde Ales and have really enjoyed the IPA’s from our home state brewery Southern Prohibition Brewing.

How did you meet?
“We met in a work-related convention in Mexico City back in 2019, since then we started texting. A couple of months later after going together for a couple of trips around Mexico we fell in love and decided to start our relationship, which has not been easy given that we both lived in different cities and lately COVID restrictions have been very challenging. But we’ve managed to make it work!!!”
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
“Wow that’s a tough one, we haven’t had the chance to visit too many due to the pandemic but we have great memories from Saint Arnold’s which was the 1st brewery we visited together, also that other night we spent on Holler Brewing Co where we end up dancing in that small space next to our table, and also Thursday nights at True Anomaly Brewing Co. Can’t forget about the 5th anniversary of Spindletap, OMG there are just so many!!! If we were to choose, we’d choose our first brewery together Saint Arnold’s, besides their patio is just amazing.
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
Julie (she) likes better lagers, cream ales, stouts and of course sours (special from Baa Baa Brewery). Less favourite style: Hazy IPAs DIPAs TIPAs
Santiago (he) likes better Hazy IPAs, DIPAS, TIPAS, and Saisons, don’t dislike any, it all depends on the mood of the day. Less favourite style: Hefeweizen.

How did you meet?
We actually met in line waiting to get into a club in Mexico when we were starting college. The rest was history in the making just like our beer experiences.
Laura wasn’t always the beer drinker; it actually wasn’t until we attending our first beer festival together in 2014 did she show true interest and potential, we parted ways as girls and guys just to end up at the same Laguanitas booth drinking the same exact IPA. Since then we have pretty much fanned over the same breweries and beers. Funny thing is we are open to trying uniquely different things, but our flights always seem to be the same except our one unique choice.
What was your favorite beer trip/event/brewery you went to together?
Our favorite beer festival today has to be the Beer Zombies Festival 2020 almost one year ago. It opened up our taste buds and minds not to mention experiences to so many amazing new breweries!
How do your beer tastes compare? Which styles of beer does each of you like/dislike?
Nowadays we don’t hesitate to grab an IPA but have more love for stouts and sours. We both concur that we are not big pilsner or Belgian style fans for sure. Even though our taste buds are so similar I guarantee one thing you won’t find is Britton drinking a barleywine, so make sure you pass it over to Laura.
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