Black is Beautiful is a collaborative initiative spearheaded by the San Antonio, Texas-based craft brewery Weathered Souls “to bring awareness to the injustices that many people of color face daily.” They’ve provided a stout recipe and label, and have requested that a portion of proceeds to go to collaborating breweries’ local foundations that support police brutality reform and legal defenses for those who have been wronged.
We think everyone should choose their own entity to donate to and spread the love as much as possible. Weathered Souls will personally be giving part of our proceeds to the Know Your Rights Campaign. As much as we want this to be about raising money, the real issue is bringing education and information, which will bring forth change to a system that has fractured so many families and has been broken for decades.
Within a couple days of the announcement of the collaboration Weathered Souls announced that 183 breweries have joined.

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