
Calendar Model: @geeks_and_beer

Featuring 2021 Beer Selfie Bottleshare Fundraiser Calendar model: @geeks_and_beer

How did your interest in craft beer begin?

My good friends, out of nowhere, bought a farm in Apopka, FL and decided they were going to grow hops. The goal was to eventually put a taproom in the property and unwanted to immerse myself into the craft beer world as much as possible. It didn’t take long before in fell completely in love with all things craft beer and all the amazing people in the beer community!

What are your favorite and least favorite beer styles?

My favorite style would be the always dependable IPA. I’m also currently in love with Belgian Strongs, Dubbels, Tripels and Quads.
My least favorite is definitely Hefeweizens.

If you could only drink three beers for the rest of your life what would they be?

  • Hourglass Brewing “2 Million Bees and Some Hops”
  • Broken Strings “Peaches Come From a Can”
  • Tactical Brewing “Aztec Death Whistle”

Tell us about one of your favorite craft beer Instagram accounts.

One of my absolute favorite IG accounts is @glimmerofhop.
She is so amazingly creative with her beer photography and cosplay. Her posts are insightful, well-spoken, geeky, and playful.

About the author

Keith Adams is the founder of BeerSelfie.com and can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @grubulub.