
HOF Vote

UPDATE: Voting has closed.

Welcome to the vote for the first class of the Beer Selfie Hall of Fame. There are eighteen nominees. The top nine vote-getters will be inducted. To submit your vote follow these instructions:

  1. Follow these Beer Selfie Hall of Fame nominees on Instagram (this step isn’t required, but you’re doing yourself a favor): letshavesomebeershow, glimmerofhop, htownbeerguys, babels_cameron, hops_and_charlie, that_first_sip, val.beer.i, themallowwithsprinkles, hoppy_floppy_2, novabrewjacket, bdacht, pour_a_vida, colvinology, melmelfox, ipkayyyyyy, brewedblackgirl, maltymaiden, inkdmomkpg
  2. Browse the gallery of nominees below.
  3. Scroll further down and vote for up to nine nominees.
  4. If you’d like to enter in the giveaway for an item from the Beer Selfie Store, email keith@beerselfie.com to let us know you voted (US only).
  5. Come back tomorrow and vote again!

Voting ends 8/31 at midnight. One vote allowed per day, per person.

About the author

Keith Adams is the founder of BeerSelfie.com and can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as @grubulub.