UPDATE: Voting has closed.
Welcome to the vote for the first class of the Beer Selfie Hall of Fame. There are eighteen nominees. The top nine vote-getters will be inducted. To submit your vote follow these instructions:
- Follow these Beer Selfie Hall of Fame nominees on Instagram (this step isn’t required, but you’re doing yourself a favor): letshavesomebeershow, glimmerofhop, htownbeerguys, babels_cameron, hops_and_charlie, that_first_sip, val.beer.i, themallowwithsprinkles, hoppy_floppy_2, novabrewjacket, bdacht, pour_a_vida, colvinology, melmelfox, ipkayyyyyy, brewedblackgirl, maltymaiden, inkdmomkpg
- Browse the gallery of nominees below.
- Scroll further down and vote for up to nine nominees.
- If you’d like to enter in the giveaway for an item from the Beer Selfie Store, email keith@beerselfie.com to let us know you voted (US only).
- Come back tomorrow and vote again!
Voting ends 8/31 at midnight. One vote allowed per day, per person.

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